Recently during a conversation someone unknowingly gave me this hashtag that I kinda liked and thought of keeping it with me. 

Everyone has different way of thinking and different views about the world. Diverse people think of things with totally different perspectives. 

Likewise, everyone has their own style. Honestly, not being born with style is like saying you’re not born with a personality. Everyone has a personality (even if it is dull) and everyone has style. But is every style stylish? is the main question to be asked! Being stylish is purely a manifestation of having learned about the basics and express it outwardly.

Here & on my blog I play by my rules and do things the way I like, ofcourse totally respecting what my internet fam likes more. But at the same time I don’t live by someone else’s master plan and standards, I don’t like becoming a part of the crowd by following the “do what everyone else is doing” path.

And do things, in my way and that’s what #Prernize is all about. Doing things or even styling the way “Prerna” would have! 

So if you think, me, my style or my blogs have ever helped you in something and if you ever incorporate thing shared by me, do tag me & lemme know if you #Prernize -d it in your life! ❤️


#PrernaNigam #StylingTipsByPrerna #Hashtag

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